So having to back organizations with that is reall...
# general
So having to back organizations with that is really strange.
@boundless-monkey-50243 you can run everything locally, but I’ve never done it myself. @white-balloon-205, @big-piano-35669 or perhaps @microscopic-florist-22719 might know.
Not seeing any flags to indicate that this is the case, but they could be hiding.
Good timing on these questions, also. We also have a work item (here that we'll be tackling next week, to improve this situation, since we realize it's a bit hidden. This will be available in our 0.16 release late next week.
Fantastic. Thanks!
And feedback you have on that issue would be great. We're trying to balance the convenience of not needing to think about state files -- it's nice for simple use cases that concurrency and state management "just works", especially in a team setting -- with the desire to make it possible for advanced users to take matters into their own hands, whether it's due to secrets, Enterprise, etc.
I don't want to think about state files. 😉 I want to pay you to not make me deal with GitHub
We should talk -- our identity model is pluggable.
Sure - I owe Eric a reply to a thing, maybe I should CC you?
👍 1