hey, long time fan of Pulumi, finally getting into...
# general
hey, long time fan of Pulumi, finally getting into using it for real. I'm aiming to use it via Go and I was able to get a simple bucket going (after running
pulumi plugin install resource aws 0.15.0
to get the aws plugin). is anyone opposed to having a #golang channel for issues specific to installing/running/etc with Go?
I can’t create on, but I’m for it. @white-balloon-205?
(Also small parenthetical, you should know that we have not really nailed down a super-streamlined experience for Go just yet… you will likely have more “ah ha” moments with TypeScript/JavaScript… just FYI)
cool, thanks for the heads up
I look forward to following along
and even helping out, if there's room for that
I created a very similar system while I was on an AWS MSP team at my previous job
the whole "specify your infra as code" is absolutely the right way to go about it
@aloof-tailor-93191 ha, I think we’d love the help if you have the time
Even using and reporting stuff that sucks helps.
I think more examples would help. I'm stumbling through creating stuff using the Go interface, and making some progress
cc @big-piano-35669
Just open a PR?
and @incalculable-sundown-82514
I think historically we’ve been reticent to invest a lot into the Go stuff because it’s not clear how to make a super amazing experience especially compared to the TypeScript stuff, but I believe that is changing this sprint, and I believe @incalculable-sundown-82514 is working on it.
PRs are good, you might want to bounce the idea off of everyone before you get to it though.
I think having a #golang channel would be good to coalesce the effort and maybe attract more
Yeah - https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/1614 tracks the high level work that is needed to really make Go experience great. If there are any pieces of that you are interested in contributing on, drop a note here (or in #contribute) and we'll coordinate!
FWIW I think the Go experience will be 100x as amazing after Go 2. 🙂
Created #golang channel. Feel free to use that and/or #contribute for follow-ups on any of the topics here.
awesome! thank you so much for doing that
no thank YOU