how hard would it be to get pulumi to output plain...
# general
how hard would it be to get pulumi to output plain text diff files for previews?
Definitely possible - and something we’ve thought a lot about. Curious - what were you wanting to use this for?
@white-balloon-205 id like to mimic this in github enterprise

the pulumi GH app is nice but I’d like to see color coded plans without leaving GH
Cc @square-apartment-28429 as well. We definitely thought about showing more details by default in the GitHub App (or making it configurable). As for the
pulumi preview
output - if you pass
you get something a lot like above. We may be able to make it something that colorized better as a diff block (I guess that’s what TFE is doing above? - it’s certainly not truly a patch file).
@white-balloon-205 thats
terraform plan | landspace
ill check out pulumis diff
changes don’t show with it though, they just remain gray since diff doesn’t process
We will definitely be pursuing better diffs here. Spoke to @colossal-beach-47527 earlier and he doesn't seem to be getting notifications (possibly because there are two of him @square-apartment-28429). Look forward to lots of GitHub App improvements in the coming weeks!