not sure if this is pulumi or Azure, but when tryi...
# general
not sure if this is pulumi or Azure, but when trying to update a property on trying to update a property of Role Definition, I get an error saying I can't update it in place
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Do you want to perform this update? yes
Updating (LightstreamStudio/core-msi-stage):

     Type                               Name                                       Status                  Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack                core-msi-core-msi-stage
 +   ├─ azure:msi:UserAssignedIdentity  93bfe621-3-wus-uai                         created
 +   ├─ azure:msi:UserAssignedIdentity  93bfe621-3-weu-uai                         created
 +   ├─ azure:msi:UserAssignedIdentity  93bfe621-3-scus-uai                        created
 +   ├─ azure:msi:UserAssignedIdentity  93bfe621-3-uks-uai                         created
 +   ├─ azure:msi:UserAssignedIdentity  93bfe621-3-eus2-uai                        created
 ~   └─ azure:role:Definition           Reader And Blob Data Access - Lightstream  **updating failed**     [diff: ~assignableScopes]; 1 error

  azure:role:Definition (Reader And Blob Data Access - Lightstream):
    error: Plan apply failed: 1 error occurred:

    * updating urn:pulumi:core-msi-stage::core-msi::azure:role/definition:Definition::Reader And Blob Data Access: authorization.RoleDefinitionsClient#CreateOrUpdate: Failure responding to request: StatusCode=409 -- Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=409 Cod
e="RoleDefinitionWithSameNameExists" Message="A role definition cannot be updated with a name that already exists."

    5 changes
    + 5 created
    21 unchanged
Are you sure that’s not saying that you already have a role with the desired name?
yea but its an update
Are you trying to update the name?
(slack threads make terminal output basically impossible to follow lol)
no, just the "assignableScope" property
name is the same
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[diff: ~assignableScopes]; 1 error
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Original Error: autorest/azure: Service returned an error. Status=409 Co$
e="RoleDefinitionWithSameNameExists" Message="A role definition cannot be updated with a name that already exists."
Hmm, that actually looks like an error from the upstream API
(Not unheard of in ARM!)
I’ll take a look at the actual code in a few minutes and see what I can find
alrighty thank you
Looks like this is the same issue reported at It is either a bug in the TF provider that
should be marked as
, or it is a bug in Azure itself.