getting a `500` on <
# general
Hi @busy-umbrella-36067, we just noticed that from our monitoring system. I’m currently looking at our logs right now to figure out what the issue is.
🙏 1
might be because im not an admin in the GH org
Sorry to bother you, but how are you accessing that page? I assume if you go to
, you see a “SETTINGS” tab? And on that settings tab, we show you some information about your Pulumi subscription? And it’s navigating to the page after clicking “EDIT” that you get this 500 error?
@square-apartment-28429 from the “your org is over the stack limit” link
Ah, I see. I totally know what the problem is, sorry for the inconvenience!
The error comes from going to edit the organization’s subscription information, but the subscription doesn’t exist. (So it’s an error on our part, sorry about that.)
No worries, thanks for looking into it so quickly.
If you navigate to just, everything should work as expected. Including providing a way for you to create a new subscription and enter a discount code if you have one.
(After the subscription exists, you can then edit it on /settings/billing, without the 500 errors.)
Just to follow up, we’ve updated the service so that nag bar will link to the right place now. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any other problems or feedback on the Pulumi Service. Have a nice weekend.