Is there any docmentation to make pulumi deploy on...
# general
Is there any docmentation to make pulumi deploy on localstack by using awslocal or by using a proxy to reroute the aws endpoints to localstack?
I haven't tried it myself yet - but something like the following ought to work:
Copy code
let awsProvider = new aws.Provider("foo", {
    skipCredentialsValidation: true,
    skipMetadataApiCheck: true,
    s3ForcePathStyle: true,
    accessKey: "mockAccessKey",
    secretKey: "mockSecretKey",
    endpoints: [{
        dynamodb: "<http://localhost:4569>",
        lambda: "<http://localhost:4574>",

let table = new aws.dynamodb.Table("t", {
}, { provider: awsProvider })
Definitely something we should add an example for!
Thanks for the replay @white-balloon-205 I'll work it out today and let you know if I have any issues