Anyone know of a good resource that explains the s...
# general
Anyone know of a good resource that explains the state options offered by Pulumi? Is there a way to do state management with something like S3/Blob storage like Terraform does or are you restricted to using the Pulumi offerings?
There's an offline option that allows you to specify a directory for state output, which you can persist any way you wish.
ok so you aren't forced into managing state with the pulumi paid offerings
b might be something I can make a case for down the road but to get started I needed it to be feature parity with terraform
For details on the current options - see Additional backends are being worked on - for example Azure Blog Storage ( Note that the Pulumi service is freely available for individual projects.
👍 1
@white-balloon-205 I think you were referenced last week on another comment I had, why was the AWS Elastic Beanstalk example deleted?
also looks like s3 isnt implemented yet correct?
That's right - S3 hasn't yet been implemented. Once the Azure Blob storage PR lands, S3 support should be a small step from there.
Re: Beanstalk - the old "example" was really an integration test in the
repository, and was removed because it was flaky (in particular, AWS had a few times hard-deprecated old platform versions breaking the tests). We could definitely bring it back as a proper example though!
Will be great when RBAC for storage is out of preview and integrated.