When deploying a new EKS cluster, I see two defaul...
# general
When deploying a new EKS cluster, I see two default storage classes created. One of them is from pulumi..other is from AWS I think. I had to patch the storage class to make it non default by hand. Do I need to do something in the config to ensure only one default exists ?
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mac-nshah:nshah-pulumi-eks nshah$ kubectl get <http://storageclasses.storage.k8s.io|storageclasses.storage.k8s.io>
NAME                                           PROVISIONER             AGE
gp2 (default)                                  <http://kubernetes.io/aws-ebs|kubernetes.io/aws-ebs>   52m
nshah-test-eks-pulumi-gp2-dtx905hi (default)   <http://kubernetes.io/aws-ebs|kubernetes.io/aws-ebs>   50m
cc @microscopic-florist-22719 I thought we fixed this? wasn’t this the “redundant storage class” bug?
This is in running the latest version:
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mac-nshah:nshah-pulumi-eks nshah$ pulumi version
we did not get around to it this sprint, but I believe we likely will in the next couple weeks.
The pulumi versino does not matter, but the EKS package version does.
Okay..thanks for letting me know