new `aws.Provider` via AssumeRole is not working. ...
# general
via AssumeRole is not working. I’ve followed the example:
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// build provider with STS creds
const arProvider = new aws.Provider('other-account', {
    assumeRole: {
        roleArn: config.require('role_arn'),
        sessionName: 'name',
        externalId: 'id'
    region: aws.config.requireRegion()

const ca = output(getCertificateAuthority(
    { arn: config.require('ca_arn') },
    { provider: arProvider }
Error: invocation of aws:acmpca/getCertificateAuthority:getCertificateAuthority returned an error: No valid credential sources found for AWS Provider.
I’ve validated that the role name is accurate and I have permissions to assume it via the aws cli.
Interesting, I just tried the following:
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";

const provider = new aws.Provider("other-account", {
    assumeRole: {
        roleArn: "arn:aws:iam::[elided]",
        sessionName: "ellismg-assume-role-test",
    region: "us-west-2",

(async () => {
    console.log(await aws.getCallerIdentity({provider: provider}));
And things worked as expected (I can see that the resulting values show me my assumption of that role). I suspect that things will also fail for you if you just called
as well. How are your credentials configured? Are you seetting
explicitly? Expecting them to be pulled from
, something else?
You might try passing
pulumi preview
pulumi up
which should provide some additional diagnostics, for example, I see:
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debug: Attempting to AssumeRole arn:aws:iam::[elided](SessionName: "ellismg-assume-role-test", ExternalId: "", Policy: "")
    debug: AWS Auth provider used: "SharedCredentialsProvider"
    debug: AWS Auth provider used: "AssumeRoleProvider"
@bitter-oil-46081 Thanks, I’ve tried adding
, but I’m not seeing anything obvious. Maybe this line?
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Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
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debug: Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
    debug: assume_role configuration set: (ARN: "arn:aws:iam::[...]", SessionID: "PCA-Request", ExternalID: "", Policy: "")
    debug: Building AWS auth structure
    debug: Setting AWS metadata API timeout to 100ms
    debug: Ignoring AWS metadata API endpoint at default location as it doesn't return any instance-id
    debug: Attempting to AssumeRole arn:aws:iam::[...] (SessionName: "PCA-Request", ExternalId: "", Policy: "")
    debug: Invoke RPC finished: tok=aws:index/getCallerIdentity:getCallerIdentity; err: Error: 2 UNKNOWN: invocation of aws:index/getCallerIdentity:getCallerIdentity returned an error: No valid credential sources found for AWS Provider.
Running locally, I’m using my creds at
with a specified profile. Here’s the result (redacted) of my cli test:
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$ aws sts assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::[...]" --role-session-name "PCA-Test" --region us-east-1 --profile [...]
    "Credentials": {
        "AccessKeyId": "[...]",
        "SecretAccessKey": "[...]",
        "SessionToken": "[...]",
        "Expiration": "2019-07-30T22:09:37Z"
    "AssumedRoleUser": {
        "AssumedRoleId": "[...]:PCA-Test",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::[...]/[...]/PCA-Test"
Here’s my stack config:
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  aws:profile: [...]
  aws:region: us-east-1
Is there anything else that I might be missing?
Super confusing to me - @stocky-spoon-28903 @broad-dog-22463 Do you have any idea what would cause the assume role to not be working here?
@bitter-oil-46081 @stocky-spoon-28903 @broad-dog-22463 We work in a multi-account organization. So, assume-role functionality is crucial to us moving forward with Pulumi.
@stocky-spoon-28903 @broad-dog-22463 Could I get some help?
That looks like it is not detecting any ambient credentials. The
To assume a role with. If you hard code then in the provider does that work? That should narrow down the scope of investigation
It’s 9pm here, so I’m not around much longer though
Thanks. Could you elaborate on hard-coding the provider? After initializing it, I’m passing it in:
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// build provider with STS creds
const arProvider = new aws.Provider('other-account', {
    assumeRole: {
        roleArn: config.require('role_arn'),
        sessionName: 'name',
        externalId: 'id'
    region: aws.config.requireRegion()

const ca = output(getCertificateAuthority(
    { arn: config.require('ca_arn') },
    { provider: arProvider }
You need credentials to assume the role with
So access key and secret key
Did this ever get resolved? I’m having the exact same issue