Is there a straightforward way to transplant an ex...
# general
Is there a straightforward way to transplant an existing resource to a new provider?
For background: I currently use a single, root provider for an entire stack (in a multi-AWS-account environment), but want to make it explicit that these resources are being executed in our app environment so that we can move to using a less permissioned "primary" principal for actually executing pulumi (querying S3 for state, etc.).
currently recommended way is to you ComponentResource and set provder there, then all children automatically inherit it
Sorry, maybe that was unclear - I already have a stack that exists and I don't want to destroy/recreate my resources.
you dont' need to, as long as each individual Pulumi resource name stays the same nothing gets changed.
Gotcha. I think what's tripping me up is that we parent all resources in multi-provider environments to their provider, and that seems to trigger a recreate?
I never tried that. as long as provieder resource has itself as a provider parenting should probably work.