<@U84HBHXS8> Do you guys plan to have your own tap...
# general
@microscopic-florist-22719 Do you guys plan to have your own tap since https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/43113 seems like it’s going to be a while before it’s resolved, if they even let you guys stay?
We are actively discussing that right now. Either way, we will almost certainly create our own tap, but we want to keep things as simple for end users as possible here as we know many users depend on HomeBrew for getting Pulumi.
Ok. I think you can have a the same formula in multiple taps. It’ll just use whatever is newer. So for those who need/want more up to date versions, a custom tap solves that. I do see the active discussion, just didn’t sound like they were going to be too supportive.
Thanks - yeah - that's generally what we're expecting to do here. @bitter-oil-46081 is looking into a custom tap right now to make it easier for folks to get access to the
releases we've started to put out.
Cool. Looking forward to upgrading.
Looking into it, it appears that if you have the same formula in both homebrew core and a tap then
brew install
brew upgrade
still prefer the version in homebrew core vs the tap, so we'll have to figure something else out.
Ahh, but if you explicitly jump over to one that comes from a tap, then later commands like
brew upgrade pulumi
seem to pick that up.
I still think a tap would be preferable. It takes a while for homebrew to merge in updates (sometimes days)