<@UB3BGTV63> Sorry I asked before, but not sure if...
# general
@white-balloon-205 Sorry I asked before, but not sure if you got it. Is there a way to create or refer to a resource? In this case it’s groups and users (aws IAM). I want to access a group and a user and create either if they don’t exist and add user to the said group if the association isn’t already set.
So you can code that exactly how you describe it - query for the group check the response and if it’s null then proceed to the create
Oh shizzle. Could I use the || operator in typescript?
let route = aws.route53.getZone({name: defaultTags.stagingSubDomain}) || new aws.route53.Record(stagingSubDomain, {…}
Exactly :)
This is where the use of the programming language rather than a dsl is so powerful :)
Yes sir, it’s a shame though that pulumi itself needs to run in order to activate. Now I got TypeScript (node runtime) piping out to Pulimi (typescript) Would have loved writing it all in TypeScript before loading up pulumi. Stuff like sorting/search files, setting configs and stacks.
I’m sorry to say I’ve not quite followed what you mean there but that’s only because it’s 0535 and I’m jetlagged 🤣🤣
Sorry I was very unclear now reading back. The thing is we need to run some code before calling pulumi up in our CI I loathe bash, so I just use Typescript. I could have done this in combination with pulumi but this code actually sets up the stuff pulumi needs. I can’t call pulumi up before this.
Btw you’ve been very helpful I appreciate it.
Ah I see what you mean now :) No worries at all - this is why this channel exists
Is there no way of setting configs or secrets programatically with pulumi typescript?
Usecase: We generate a IAM user and add it to a group. Give it rights to access S3, Cloudfront, SES and other stuff and then generate the access_key and secret. Right now they are used as kubernetes secrets, but would be great to store them as pulimi secrets as well. For staging we export them.