Few questions about naming resources: - Am I corre...
# general
Few questions about naming resources: • Am I correct in understanding that the resource name must be unique throughout the program for any resource, not just a resource of that kind? • What can go wrong if we don't? • Do you have any recommended best practices for naming? (e.g.
URNs have to be unique, so it’s not quite that strict. URNs are generated as a combination of the resource type and the provided name, so you mostly only have to worry about it if you are creating multiple of the same resource type.
Pulumi will fail with an error if it encounters a duplicate
OK, the docs suggest it is stricter than that - "All resources have a 
, which must be unique across your entire Pulumi program."
Mind filing an issue on that? There should be a button on the right gutter for that.
You mean inside the docs?
Oh yeah
Thanks Levi