Hi, I’m looking to move my team from the legacy pa...
# general
Hi, I’m looking to move my team from the legacy pay-per-stack model to the new unlimited stack model, but not all of my Github org users are Pulumi users. Is there a way to configure the number of users that Pulumi bills for under the unlimited stack billing model?
@stocky-student-96739 Yes. You need to manually add them to your Pulumi organization in app.pulumi.com. Only the added users count for billing.
🙏 1
Yes - you get to opt-in which users of your backing GitHub organization will be Pulumi users.
🙏 1
Right now the “People” tab shows everyone in the org, does that change after we migrate billing plans?
@stocky-student-96739 correct. On the “per-stack” model, everyone in the backing GitHub organization has access to the Pulumi organization. When you switch to the per-member model, only specific members will have access. So the “People” tab will have a couple of sections: current organization members, and people in the GitHub organization that aren’t members of the Pulumi organization.
Thanks for everyone’s input, I’ve submitted a request via the Contact Us form to have our account upgraded.