Hello Everyone, Im having an issue when trying to ...
# general
Hello Everyone, Im having an issue when trying to deploy a new HorizontalPodAutoscaler. we are using Aws EKS version 1.14.7. I have imported the library '@pulumi/kubernetes/autoscaling/v2beta2' and also at the class definition I stated the desired apiVersion ('autoscaling/v2beta2'). The deploy succeeded but when im examining the result, i notice that the apiVersion used is autoscaling/v1, But ... at the metadata section I can see that the last applied configurations gets the correct configuration. any suggestions on why it happens would be appreciated.
That’s the way apiVersions work with Kubernetes. The resource was created with the apiVersion you specified, and then the k8s server will store that configuration in a common representation server-side. At that point, you can request that resource using any supported apiVersion, and it will auto-convert the stored configuration to the appropriate version for your request. You can see this behavior with
by creating a Deployment and then trying both
kubectl get deployments.extensions -o yaml
kubectl get deployments.apps -o yaml
Pulumi will use the latest available apiVersion when it queries resource state.
But in my case I wanted to use the latest version of autoscaling/v2beta2, which is installed on our EKS. and also specifically requested that version.. but I got v1 deployed..
Are you seeing an error somewhere? Perhaps I don’t understand your question.