Call to Pulumi (the company) to have this issue fi...
# general
Call to Pulumi (the company) to have this issue fixed: As a company using Pulumi (the product) for our end customers, I work with the different Pulumi state setups of our customers. But the need to login/logout each time prevents me from running Pulumi concurrently for multiple customers. As a result, Pulumi (the product) decreases my productivity at the moment. 😢
My current workaround for this is to define an alias in my bashrc, which runs pulumi logout + login by key... This is isn't the same, but still works for me.
The logout/login is not so much the problem. The fact that a login session is global for the user account on my development laptop is the problem. Once logged in into the setup for customer A, I can’t do anything but customer A setups.
Right. And I agree this feature would be helpfull. In my case I need to do some kind of cleansing of the depensencies before the deployment. Therefore I have a shellscript which does preparation and login where it's needed. Whenever I would run
pulumi up
, I will run this script instead. It's working for me ok. But I totally agree being able to have user accounts bound to projects would be quite useful.
😉 1