Hello, Today, I’m able to publish pulumi component...
# general
Hello, Today, I’m able to publish pulumi component in a private npm repository in order to reuse them in several pulumi projects, and it works like a charm (thanks pulumi team). As the component are in typescript, we can only reuse them in pulumi typescript project. In a big organisation, we would be able to let some team works in other languages like python. Is there a way to share component for a multi-language use ? May be by generating them ?
Not yet, but we are working on that. 2.0 release should have the foundation for reusing TS libraries in Python. Watch this issue for progress https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/2430
The idea is that you would have to define a public contract in Python and then the implementation will be delegated to the TS runtime (so, users would need Node to run the components)
will that have any overlap with dynamic resource providers? it makes the stack files prettttty big having the code duplicated twice for every resource of tha ttype
thanks for you answer. Looking forward to test that 👏
@better-rainbow-14549 That’s not closely related to dynamic providers.
👍 1