Hey guys, I am curious on how often the pulumi ter...
# general
Hey guys, I am curious on how often the pulumi terraform providers release new versions to support the newer SDK version of Pulumi? Currently the dotnet kubernetes provider needs 1.12.1 but most of the other providers require a lower version. This makes it impossible to upgrade the kubernetes provider to add new fixes in the same project.
cc @tall-librarian-49374 In general these provider all ship independently, but we also aim to not have hard requirements on versions. I think this current issue you are hitting is specific to .NET and due to some breaking changes we have been making as we get closer to GA for .NET. But @tall-librarian-49374 will likely be able to share more.
Yea a change was added along with fixes to the helm deployments. So I am unable to have the fixed version along with the other providers in the same project. Is this something I will have to deal with until .NET goes GA?
I believe this is the last breaking change before 2.0. which provider upgrades do you need?
I am using the Vault, F5BigIP, Tls, VSphere, and Rancher2 providers along with the Kubernetes provider.
Oh, you are an advanced user!
@broad-dog-22463 Are you back in the provider game yet?
Yea trying to pilot using Pulumi instead of Terraform for our on Prem Infra using Kubernetes as our first target. If this works out well we hope to adopt it for other on prem infra as well as on Azure. We primally are a dotnet shop and being able to create and mange infra using real code is awesome.
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