Regarding the Github App for Pulumi, is there anyt...
# general
Regarding the Github App for Pulumi, is there anything special we need to do for it to comment on PR’s with the status? I recently had the github action adding a comment with the
flag, but have since disabled it in an attempt to switch to the github app as the GH actions integration is far too verbose.
anyone using the Github App integration that’s experiencing this?
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@gentle-diamond-70147 Do you know if there is anything else that needs to be done for the Github bot to make comments on PR’s?
Are you using the
docker image to do your previews? I believe that's a feature built in to the
itself, not the Pulumi CLI.
@gentle-diamond-70147 Yeah we are using that image, however originally we were using it with the
flag, which seemed to create an overly verbose PR comment (all output from each build step instead of just a standard change diff). We installed the Pulumi github Bot into the org and comments kept coming from the actions docker image and not the bot as depicted in the docs. I disabled the
flag in hope it would make the Github bot start handling the commenting but no luck
I also can't seem to get the github app to comment on any PR's/issues. It's hooked up to the repo, and a
pulumi preview
is being run by CI, but nothing shows
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For me the bot comment was added on my very first PR but never saw a commant on subsequent PRs again.
@gentle-diamond-70147 @big-piano-35669 Hey guys, bumping this as it’s still an issue on my end.
^^ ditto
Sorry about this. Let me see what I can do.
no worries, thanks!
@billions-lock-73409 Do you have a
as a github secret on your repo?
well the docs said not to add it explicitly as a secret since their orchestrator automatically generates one,
The GITHUB_TOKEN value will already be set in the running environment, so there's no need to add one explicitly as a secret
but yes it’s setup in the action configuration
Would removing that cause the GitHub app to take over and make comments?
I don't believe so, but can you try to see if you get different behavior?
FWIW, this is what my actions file looks like and I get PR comments.
Yeah I have practically the same config, except the skip update which I added
I tried removing the github token and ended up getting no comment on the PR at all this time
@gentle-diamond-70147 this is a example of what the comment looks like, it comes from the github actions bot user and is well over 200 lines long
Outside of installing the github app into our org is there anything else I need to do to link it to our pulumi account?
I’d assume the
secret gives it all the CLI needs for linking repo -> pulumi account
Ah, so you're getting the PR comments, but not the checks specifically?
well the github action PR comment works fine if I enable it, but the github Pulumi App never comments and I’d much rather switch to that, as the diff output is more concise and easy to parse
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^ exactly the same here
the pulumi github app is enabled org wide, and has been enabled/disabled multiple times to try and get it to fire, but nothing seems to trigger it. using typescript for my pulumi projects btw, just in case that makes a difference
@gentle-diamond-70147 please let me know if you need anything else to help diagnose this
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@billions-lock-73409 you're using the Pulumi SaaS as your backend for these stacks?
@abundant-airplane-93796 same question for you - you're using the Pulumi SaaS as your backend for these stacks?
just trying to narrow down the variables
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thanks ! I’ll DM you some more details about the account and org name
Yup same here
Hi all, thanks for your patience here. We believe this should be fixed in the latest Pulumi 2.5.0 release per Please give it a try and let us know if you're still having issues.