Hi. Quick question. I have this code: ``` const...
# general
Hi. Quick question. I have this code:
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const s3AccessKeyIdSecret = args.s3AccessKeyId || config.getSecret('s3AccessKeyId')
    const s3SecretAccessKeySecret = args.s3SecretAccessKey || config.getSecret('s3SecretAccessKey')

    const s3AccessKeyId = pulumi.all([s3AccessKeyIdSecret]).apply(([id]) => id)  
    const s3SecretAccessKey = pulumi.all([s3SecretAccessKeySecret]).apply(([secret]) => secret)
How can I simplify this? I just want to get the secrets from Pulumi secrets if I don't specify them in the class. I am new to Typescript. Also, I am using these secrets in two objects, but for some reason the variables are not "empty" only when accessed the first time for the first object. When accessed for the second object the variables yield no values - I can see this in the config map that is created without those keys only for the second object; the objects are defined in the same scope and the keys that use these secrets are the same. Why aren't the variables working properly when used the second time? Thanks!
If I understand what you are trying to do - I believe this is equivalent to what you shared:
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const s3AccessKeyId = pulumi.output(args.s3AccessKeyId || config.getSecret('s3AccessKeyId'))
const s3SecretAccessKey = pulumi.output(args.s3SecretAccessKey || config.getSecret('s3SecretAccessKey'))
Depends a bit on what type you gave to
Trying now - I am reading from Pulumi secrets now, ignoring the args
Weird, same thing. I have this besides the code you suggested:
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let walRestoreConfig = {}

    const walBackupConfig = {
      "BACKUP_SCHEDULE": walBackupSchedule,
      "USE_WALG_BACKUP": String(enableWalBackups),
      "BACKUP_NUM_TO_RETAIN": walBackupsToRetain,
      "WAL_S3_BUCKET": s3Bucket,
      "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": s3AccessKeyId,
      "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": s3SecretAccessKey,
      "AWS_ENDPOINT": s3Endpoint,
      "AWS_REGION": s3Region,
      "WALG_DISABLE_S3_SSE": "true"

    if (clone) {
      walRestoreConfig = {
        "USEWALG_RESTORE": "true",
        "CLONE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID": s3AccessKeyId,
        "CLONE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY": s3SecretAccessKey,
        "CLONE_AWS_ENDPOINT": s3Endpoint,
        "CLONE_AWS_REGION": s3Region,
        "CLONE_WAL_S3_BUCKET": s3Bucket,
        "CLONE_WAL_BUCKET_SCOPE_SUFFIX": `/${cloneClusterID}`,
        "CLONE_TARGET_TIME": cloneTargetTime,
        "CLONE_SCOPE": cloneClusterName
then I am merging the two objects as data for the config map.
are rendered fine in
but not in
. The last two are empty or something, causing the config map to be created without those keys
Actually no, with that change all of those 4 keys are missing now
Oops. I think I know why the values were missing for the second object 😄
is defined this way
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const config: pulumi.Config = new pulumi.Config(`${appName}-cluster`)
and I forgot to set those secrets for the second cluster, which has empty values. I'll fix that and try again
The last two are empty or something, causing the config map to be created without those keys
How are you populating the configmap? Note that
will be an
so you'll need to make sure whereever you are using it understands how to serialize that. If its passed as an input to a Pulumi resource, that will happen automatically. If you are trying to further process it - you will need to use
. See https://www.pulumi.com/docs/intro/concepts/programming-model/#outputs.
I am confused as to what changes to make besides what you suggested earlier 🙂
How are you populating the configmap?
The config map is as follows:
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const configMap = new k8s.core.v1.ConfigMap(`${appName}-config-map`, 
        metadata: {
          name: podConfigMapName,
          namespace: namespace
        data: {...walBackupConfig, ...walRestoreConfig}
        parent: this,
        dependsOn: [
But now it complains about what I am assigning to
I get
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Data contains the configuration data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'. Values with non-UTF-8 byte sequences must use the BinaryData field. The keys stored in Data must not overlap with the keys in the BinaryData field, this is enforced during validation process.
I wasn't getting this before
Interesting, if I replace the variables names with strings that error disappears
How do I use apply with the code you suggested earlier?
I have tried appending
.apply(v => v)
but it doesn't work... I'm confused
I must be missing something about what the full code looks like. Morally - I understand you to be doing something like this - which works as expected for me:
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const configmap = new k8s.core.v1.ConfigMap("map", {
    data: {
        "a": pulumi.secret("hello"),
It might help to add
pulumi.output({...walBackupConfig, ...walRestoreConfig}).apply(console.log)
to print out what the value you are trying to pass actually looks like.
The console.log shows the following:
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AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: '[secret]',
      AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: '[secret]',
The other values are set correctly
Ah - that's actually because we are blinding the values in the console output for you 🙂. I honestly can't tell without seeing your full code - nothing looks wrong that you've shown me. This example seems to have all the same things you are doing - and works fine:
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const config = new pulumi.Config();
const s = config.requireSecret('secret');

const data = {
    s: s,

const configmap = new k8s.core.v1.ConfigMap("map", {
    data:  { ...data},

export const configmapdata = configmap.data;
Working! 😄 It didn't like the syntax I was using to merge the two objects for some reason. Or so it seems 😄 I am now setting a different object with some or all the config settings in the if/else and it's working. I can see the secrets just fine now in the configmap (don't ask me why secrets in a configmap... it's the way the Zalando operator for Postgres works). Thanks a lot!
👍 1