Uhm is it just me or is Pulumi really slow?
# general
Uhm is it just me or is Pulumi really slow?
Shouldn't be - in general performance should be dominated by the operations needed to Create/Read/Update/Delete resources in your cloud. What specifically are you seeing be slow?
Hi @white-balloon-205 I have around 150 Kubernetes resources created with Pulumi. It takes a while to run the update command
You mean it take time to deploy all 150 resoruces initially? Or it also takes a long time to do an update when nothing needs to change?
Deploying 150 new resources (and waiting for them to be ready) may certainly take awhile depending on the resources and your cluster.
No, it takes quite a while also when just updating small things after the initial create
Are you on recent versions of
CLI and
If so - could you follow instrusctions here and DM me the results so we can look into it? https://www.pulumi.com/docs/troubleshooting/#performance
For example now I am testing some changes to a config map. It takes maybe 20s before it asks me if I want to update, and then around 1m25s to change the config map
Yep I think I have the latest updates. I installed it a couple of days ago
If I share a trace, does it contain any sensitive info?
It could potentially. You can also view locally and share screenshots of key pieces. If you do you will want to "Show Children" on the root
node and Sort by Start Time.
Ok I'll finish polishing my current code and try. Thanks!