Dumb question, can you configure the 10 minute tim...
# general
Dumb question, can you configure the 10 minute timeout on
pulumi up
? Digging through the docs I can't find anything, which seems hard to belive. Am I missing something? It's been causing problems for a long running change I'm trying to do
Thanks for the link David. It's close to what I want but a bit of a bummer it has to be configured per resource. I guess what I want doesn't exist... 99% of my operations are quick, but this one operation can take 20 minutes, so I what I want to be able to do is
pulumi up --customTimeout=30m
instead of globally upping the timeouts. Thanks again though, good to know what's possible
What resources are you using? The underlying providers associated with each resource define their own default timeouts - there is no Pulumi wide timeout at all. So it is necessary to change defaults on a per-resource basis. In general, these timeouts should be designed to be appropriate for the 90% case - so timeouts should not frequently need to be modified.
is the one specifically in question. What's causing the problem is when I go to upgrade the kubernetes node version, it takes 3-5 minutes a node, and does it sequentially. So, it takes 100x longer than any other normal change. Using the docs David showed me, I think I've got my timeout set high enough to allow that to all complete. My current gameplan is to just remove the custom timeout, and put it back when I next need to upgrade.
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