Hey everyone. I’ve been working on this project, k...
# general
Hey everyone. I’ve been working on this project, kloudlib [1], for a while now and I thought some of the kubernetes users here would be interested! I’m hoping it might become a sort of helm/stable for Pulumi users. I’d love to hear your feedback, suggestions and ideas 😀 [1] https://github.com/place1/kloudlib
🎉 10
pulumipus 8bit 1
❤️ 1
@great-byte-67992 this is actually super cool! very nice to see this come out of the community! cc @gorgeous-egg-16927 @white-balloon-205 @big-piano-35669
(I no longer work at pulumi but this is very nice)
also @breezy-hamburger-69619 sorry mike!
if I may ask, @great-byte-67992, what was your motivation for making such a library?
Haha thanks! I’m the guy that contributed the cloud state backend feature and i’m a big fan of Pulumi and it’s potential.
This is awesome! 🎉
@creamy-potato-29402 at my work we’re constantly deploying projects for different clients, and for our k8s stacks we generally want a standard set of cluster services (nginx-ingress, grafana, etc.). typically we use helm for it via pulumi but there’s a lot of boilerplate to consume the charts. Pulumi CustomResources were a simpler way to set everything up so i thought i could make a something for the community so others could benefit.
plus using
npm install --save @kloudlib/nginx-ingress
is a really ergonomic way to consume IaC and keep it nicely versioned
💯 2
@great-byte-67992 Very nice. These
Pulumi resources seem to wrap around Helm charts & sometimes also the `CustomResource`s from the operators (looking at 2 of them), or? Just to get the expectations right 🙂
Yeah. Most k8s ready open source projects already use helm, so I’ve wrapped it with an ergonomic pulumi resource.
Right. Just understood my wrong expectation: I thought about Kubernetes `CustomResourceDefinition`s (CRD) at first sight. But Pulumi also has `CustomResource`s 🙃
😂 1
@great-byte-67992 this couldn't be better timed. I'd just wrapped ArgoCD, CertManager, and InfluxDB in functions and exposes them as a private repo in our org; happy to use kloudlib instead and contribute some apps.
@quiet-wolf-18467 great to hear!
Hey @quiet-wolf-18467, would you consider contributing what you've done for ArgoCD as a
Yeah, happy to
👍 1
I'll take a look at that after my daughter has had breakfast 🙃
Thats our very cautious CD system for a database as a service product
We also have some teams doing real time CD too, where there's less risk 😃
Happy to discuss if you have questions