Is there any documentation somewhere on serving pr...
# general
Is there any documentation somewhere on serving private pulumi plugins with the
flag on
pulumi plugin install
? Can the URL be blob storage? Is there a specific directory structure it is expecting? etc.
it's unfortunately not documented. it needs to be http and the format is:
Copy code
Copy code
pulumi plugin install resource rdc v0.0.1-alpha.1622659303+64064f32 --server <>
hmmm ok that makes sense. So for this example that you gave:
Copy code
Would the command for that file be:
Copy code
pulumi plugin install resource rdc v0.0.4 --server <>
Or did you mean to have the alpha version in there?
and for getting the tarball, we're using this boilerplate to write our provider: What are we packaging into the tarball from that? Is there any docs on that? Doesn't appear to be in that README.
and following on that tarball question is there some mechanism for packaging it for specific OSs for the
segment of the filename?
just the go binary goes into that tarball
and finally, does the pulumi CLI just use the
resource {name} {version}
+ the
value to build the full URL, and then request that? Or do it first try to browse the directory somehow, meaning blob storage wouldn't work?
that'll handle all the upload and packaging for you
🙌 1
i believe it sends a GET request, it might work with blob storage, but not entirely sure
ok cool. Well I think I've got enough information to try it so thank you!