Heya all. I have a few questions regarding the Pul...
# general
Heya all. I have a few questions regarding the Pulumi K8s Operator (PKO), which I’d really appreciate some feedback on. In no particular order: Does the PKO support checking out the head of branches, rather than specific commits - i.e. follow master (and what is the default branch it uses - it is complaining about not being able to find my master branch); Does PKO support local state management, rather than operating against the Pulumi API? (If so, how does one pass this requirement to the stack CR); I’m getting “Failed to setup Pulumi workdir”,“Request.Namespace”“default”,“Request.Name”“bow-poc”,“Stack.Name”“bow poc”,“error”“failed to create local workspace: failed to create workspace, unable to enlist in git repo: unable to checkout branch: object not found”" when attempting to pull down a remote repo. Could someone point me in the right direction, please?
hey @alert-mechanic-59024 getting some answers for you here cc @sparse-park-68967
@billowy-army-68599 Thanks!
Does the PKO support checking out the head of branches, rather than specific commits - i.e. follow master
We added support for this in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-operator/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0015-2021-07-23
to track a branch you need to specify things in this format:
Does PKO support local state management, rather than operating against the Pulumi API?
You can specify the backend to use - defaults to pulumi service. See https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-kubernetes-operator/blob/master/pkg/apis/pulumi/v1alpha1/stack_types.go#L32
Our docs are quite lacking on some of these configuration options. Happy to take PRs on example configuration etc.
As soon as I get it working, I’m happy to raise a few!
🙌 1
@sparse-park-68967 When attempting to build a python stack from the k8s operator, I seem to be having problems with venv: {“level”“debug”,“ts”1628722742.816751,“logger”“controller stack”,“msg”“Pip Install”,“Request.Namespace”“default”,“Request.Name”“bow-poc”,“Path”“/usr/local/bin/python3”,“Args”[“/usr/local/bin/python3”,“-m”,“venv”,“venv”],“Text”“Error [Errno 13] Permission denied: ‘/venv’“} <-- deployments seem to work against other runtimes, i.e. npm.
@alert-mechanic-59024 that looks like a filesystem error, python is trying to create your venv at the root of your filesystem
which probably doesn't have perms
@billowy-army-68599 This is inside the Pulumi K8s Operator Pod (PKO). It looks like it runs as non-root user, and yes… it does not have permission to create /venv. My feeling is that PKO should either attempt to create the directory within the workspace (which seems to be in /tmp/<tmp-git-checkout-dir>, or in its home directory… the former makes more sense. I’m assuming all that needs doing is to prefix workspace directory to venv before attempting to build out. The other issue I saw was that python attempts to run pip -r, but is unable to find the requirements.txt file… I’m assuming both issues occur due to not CWDing into correct workspace.
Hey Garron. this is related to python inside your env, not Pulumi itself. can you open an iossue on the operator repo for this?
Sorry missed this. Could you open an issue as Lee mentioned?
Will do, thanks.