Hi!! I have a question ... we have an output when ...
# general
Hi!! I have a question ... we have an output when I do pulumi up with"read" but it want to delete some resource... what means "read"?
💡 1
Copy code
> aws:eks/nodeGroup:NodeGroup: (read)
      - amiType       : "AL2_x86_64"
      - clusterName   : "myproject-eks-prd"
      - diskSize      : 20
      - instanceTypes : "t3a.medium"
      - labels        : {}
      - nodeGroupName : "ng-myproject-eks-prd-0"
      - nodeRoleArn   : "arn:aws:iam::321312312388316:role/eks-worker-node-eks-myproject-eks-prd-26acf68"
      - releaseVersion: "1.15.12-20210310"
      - scalingConfig : {
          - desiredSize: 2
          - maxSize    : 4
          - minSize    : 2
      - subnetIds     : [
      -     [0]: "subnet-0cc1f0da0"
      -     [1]: "subnet-0994227f"
      ~ tags          : {
          - created_by                         : "@my-project/my-project-aws:1.0.4"
      - version       : "1.15"
but in that case why the output of the tags are showed on red?
👀 1