Hello! I am using the Pulumi_eks package to create...
# general
Hello! I am using the Pulumi_eks package to create fargate cluster on eks. I have created custom Vpc and subnets for the fargate cluster. The cluster is created, everything is fine but there are no nodes and pods. Any recommended solution for it?
@future-window-78560 can you share your code?
#===================================VPC and Subnets============================= import pulumi_aws as aws import pulumi_eks as eks #create vpc customvpc = aws.ec2.Vpc("vpc", cidr_block="", #cidr_block='[]' ) vpcId = customvpc.id export("VPC ID",vpcId) #VPC CIDR block cidr=customvpc.cidr_block export("CIDR BLOCK (Vpc)", cidr) #Private vpc subnet vpcPrivateSubnet= aws.ec2.Subnet("privatesubnet", vpc_id=vpcId, cidr_block=cidr, #cidr_block="", availability_zone="us-east-2a", ) vpcPrivateSubnetIds=vpcPrivateSubnet.id export("Private Subnet ID",vpcPrivateSubnetIds) #SECOND CIDR BLOCK for subnet! secondary_cidr = aws.ec2.VpcIpv4CidrBlockAssociation("secondaryCidr", vpc_id=vpcId, cidr_block="", ) #Public subnet in_secondary_cidr = aws.ec2.Subnet("inSecondaryCidr", vpc_id=secondary_cidr.vpc_id, map_public_ip_on_launch=True, cidr_block="", availability_zone="us-east-2b", ) #Private subnet in_secondary_cidr2 = aws.ec2.Subnet("inSecondaryCidr2", vpc_id=secondary_cidr.vpc_id, #map_public_ip_on_launch=True, cidr_block="", availability_zone="us-east-2b", ) secondarysubnetid=in_secondary_cidr.id secondarysubnetid2=in_secondary_cidr2.id export("Secondary public Subnet ID",secondarysubnetid) export("Secondary private Subnet ID",secondarysubnetid2)
#=======================================FARGATE CLUSTER========================================== cluster = eks.Cluster("anylyzer-hj", vpc_id=vpcId, private_subnet_ids=[vpcPrivateSubnetIds,secondarysubnetid2], #public_access_cidrs=[''], fargate=True, instance_type="e2.medium", #desired_capacity=10, #min_size=5, #max_size=10, ) pulumi.export('kubeconfig', cluster.kubeconfig)
@billowy-army-68599 Here is the code
can you please wrap that in code blocks? it's hard to read
upload to gist.github.com if that helps
much better, thank you
Thankyou sir
Okay, you're missing quite a few things here. • you haven't set a fargate profile • you'll need to target your pods at that fargate profile, including the cluster specific pods like coredns You'll need to read this: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/fargate.html and this https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/managing-coredns.html
you won't see any nodes until your pods have been scheduled
👍 1
Okay Okay I am looking into it. Just want to add one thing, that the fargate profile is been created.