Hey, all! It seems like EKS questions are rather p...
# general
Hey, all! It seems like EKS questions are rather popular today so, here’s another one 🙂 Is there a way to tell awsx Cluster to NOT create NATs for private subnets? I have a weird need where I need to provision a k8s cluster where I can talk to the control plane (EKS) from the outside, but the actual nodes don’t have any internet access. I’m looking for a quickest way to create such a setup, and really hope to use Pulumi for this 🙂 Thanks for any help!
@orange-byte-86458 do you mean an awsx vpc?
hmm.. maybe I do. I didn’t realize NATs are probably created by the VPC component and not the cluster itself.
yeah they are, can you share your code?
you can set the number of nat gateways like this: https://github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-examples/blob/f0a7770ecce8a733545643f55b39c36fc7f0c02b/typescript/aws/ec2-asg-lb/index.ts#L9 Set it to 0 and you won't get any 🙂
yep, that’s what I’m going to try doing Thanks for pointing me in the right direction 👍
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