Anyone have tips for getting a reference to a Kube...
# python
Anyone have tips for getting a reference to a Kubernetes Pod created by a deployment? The Pod's name isn't known, so core.v1.Pod.get doesn't seem like it will work.
Neither the Deployment nor its ReplicaSet seem to contain refernences to the names.
Can you give some more details about what you’re trying to accomplish?
I have a fiddly deploy step where I need to create a Deployment, then port-forward into one of the Pods it creates to finish configuring the software.
What are you using to do the port-forwarding? kubectl?
Yes, since the Python kubernetes client doesn't support it yet.
Ok, then I’d suggest using the selector to find the Pod(s) rather than using the name directly
kubectl port-forward
doesn't support
You can do something like
Copy code
kubectl get pods --selector=app=cassandra
to list all matching pods, and could further filter that down as needed
Yes, definitely an option. I was wondering if there was a Pulumi-native way to do it.
Well, if you figure out the correct kubectl incantation, you should be able to shell out to it from within a pulumi program and then use that output
Or use a k8s client for python
That scenario is currently a bit outside of our main workflow, but feel free to open an issue on if you want to provide more details on your use case.
kubectl get pods --selector=tier=frontend -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}'
will get you just the pod name