Hey all, went to deploy today and started getting ...
# python
Hey all, went to deploy today and started getting this error:
Copy code
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pulumi/stack_reference.py", line 70, in <lambda>
        value: Output[Any] = Output.all([Output.from_input(name), self.outputs]).apply(lambda l: l[1].get(l[0])) # type: ignore
    IndexError: list index out of range
    error: an unhandled error occurred: Program exited with non-zero exit code: 1
Haven't changed anything on my end, wondering if anyone else is getting this?!
There was a change to this piece of code in 1.9.0 - we’ll look into it. Cc @lemon-agent-27707. For now you could lock to 1.8.1 to avoid running in to this.
I'll take a look. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, and sorry for the inconvenience!
@icy-evening-27754 Here's a PR with the fix, I'll let you know when a new release is available: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/pull/3798
Awesome, thanks for the quick response, appreciate it!
@white-balloon-205 how does one “lock” to a specific version?
do you just mean via pip
do you just mean via pip
👍 1