:wave: hi all ... I'm trying to use `aws.iam.get_p...
# python
👋 hi all ... I'm trying to use
where I use the S3 bucket ARN in the policy, but it's simply not working (I think Pulumi doesn't know the dependency graph here). What is the best practice here? The docs lack examples that fit my use case ... My example: https://github.com/iserko/pulumi-test/blob/master/__main__.py#L33-L50
by "not working" I mean:
Copy code
Exception: invocation of aws:iam/getPolicyDocument:getPolicyDocument returned an error: grpc: error while marshaling: proto: repeated field Values has nil element
and if I take a look at stderr logs:
Copy code
I0810 17:04:23.317668    6966 rpc.go:71] Marshaling property for RPC[Provider[aws, 0xc000806060].Invoke(aws:iam/getPolicyDocument:getPolicyDocument).args]: actions={[{s3:PutObject}]}
I0810 17:04:23.317672    6966 rpc.go:71] Marshaling property for RPC[Provider[aws, 0xc000806060].Invoke(aws:iam/getPolicyDocument:getPolicyDocument).args]: resources={[output<string>{}]}
Resources is a list of empty Outputs 😐