Another question - with the new changes for v3.0.0...
# python
Another question - with the new changes for v3.0.0, what new dependencies does pulumi bring in?
I guess I'm asking: if pulumi is dogfooding it's own multi-language components, are we introducing a dependency on npm (and unknown js modules) even if our own implementation is 100% python?
for python? No new dependencies. We added
a while back (during the 2 series) as part of automation api support.
so... if we use pulumi's python sdks, they're 100% python front-to-back? Or is there a dependency on other languages (and packages/ package managers) under the hood?
if pulumi is dogfooding it’s own multi-language components, are we introducing a dependency on npm (and unknown js modules) even if our own implementation is 100% python?
Ah, I’m not 100% certain about this, let me get back to you. For all of the first-layer packages like pulumi-aws, pulumi-gcp, pulumi-kubernetes, etc, it’s all still 100% python (and the pulumi plugin binaries) - nothing has changed there. There is a possibility that for higher-level packages like pulumi-eks that build on top of first-layer resources as “components” it depends on the language that library is originally written in.
That'd be helpful. We've good reasons for quarantining npm in our infra as much as possible... be good to know if we need to do the same for pulumi 🙂
@red-match-15116 is correct. Most cloud providers should see no change. The cross language dependency comes into the picture only on multi language components e.g pulumi-eks. This of course doesn’t affect you unless you actually use them.
🙌 1
@sparse-park-68967 there is no cross language dependency if the “base language” for the component resource is go though, correct? Is there one if it’s C#?
Correct - Go component resources don’t have any external dependencies. I am not sure about C# - I believe you can create “self-contained” binaries (where I believe the runtime is included in) or have them depend on .net framework being available…
But that would be determined by the respective multi lang component itself
💡 1
Thanks gents folks.
🤦‍♂️ 1
I wouldn’t assume we’re all “gents” 🙂
☝️ 1
Yeah, that was thoughtless. My sincere apologies @red-match-15116.
Drives me nuts when folks perpetuate genderism anywhere, but esp. in our industry. And here's me doing the same 😞
Can I do my penance with feedback and bug reports?
🌟 1
Haha yeah totally! And perhaps you can pay it forward if you see others doing the same in the community 😄
👍 1