Hello :wave: I’m wondering if people are using `my...
# python
Hello 👋 I’m wondering if people are using
or any other static checkers with Pulumi, and how’s the experience been?
I have both mypy and pylance enabled in vscode, and they've worked fine for me so far.
For some context I’ve been looking at some rather slow (400s) mypy check times on some programs and considering introducing lazy module imports to speed up the situation. There is however a cost, there is a minor breakage of mypy for programs with a certain style of imports: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/6837
That is, there is no effect on runtime behavior of
pulumi preview, up, etc
Feedback is very welcome. 🙏
I should check out pylance, thanks for that pointer.
OK - I'll admit type checking can be a bit slow at times, but that's not isolated to pulumi. And I've seen nothing like the 400s you're reporting (we're aws)
Azure provider is probably an outlier here. I guess I should measure the impact on AWS provider as a useful datapoint.
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# mypy .
helper_k8s.py:193: error: Argument "string_data" to "Secret" has incompatible type "Output[Mapping[str, str]]"; expected "Union[Mapping[str, Union[str, Awaitable[str], Output[str]]], Awaitable[Mapping[str, Union[str, Awaitable[str], Output[str]]]], Output[Mapping[str, Union[str, Awaitable[str], Output[str]]]], None]"
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 7 source files)                                                                                                                                                              
provided type fits into expected type set as far as i can see. not sure how to fix this - any insights? mypy 0.812
^ expanded expected type, highlighted provided type
It’s a bit unrelated but an interesting error. I filed your issue as https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/6843 suggestion. It might be difficult to “fix” since marking Output covariant in T can have far-reaching implications. So perhaps you can consider a workaround here. The workaround is using
string_data.apply(lambda v: v)
👍 1
Coming back with a bit more data. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/6837 I am observing a large mypy speedup on AWS example as well, 53s -> 0.74s.
53s is a lot, I am beginning to wonder if something is abnormally slow with my setup, as I’d expect people be complaining more about it. I will try to get some more independent measurements.
the azure-native code i posted above took 4m23s to run, so i'm sure it's not an issue with your setup 🙂 i'm running it on an 8 core i9 2019 macbook pro. mypy for it exhausts all of my 16G of RAM and proceeds to devour swap at rate that puts chrome to shame
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# mypy --show-error-codes helper_k8s.py                      
Success: no issues found in 1 source file                                                                                                                                                                      
Good news: workaround satisfies mypy Bad news: the time it took for checking 1 file
^ imports in the file:
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import base64
import itertools
import json
import pulumi as p
import pulumi_azure_native as az
import pulumi_kubernetes as k8s
import shlex
import subprocess
from typing import Iterable, Mapping, MutableMapping
Yes, yes. Thanks for this.
I know Pulumi staff is still quite busy with 3.0 but I will wait for the feedback on my proposal above to speed up mypy at the cost of breakage. We’ll see.. It would be awesome if there was a non-breaking way but I do not see it yet.
👍 1
Perhaps an upstream fix if mypy could be made to chase import refs lazily would be ideal, but that sounds a lot harder.
i renamed my project, and mypy checks broke completely 😞
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resource_group.py:3: error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named 'pulumi'  [import]
resource_group.py:4: error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named 'pulumi_azure_native'  [import]
aks.py:7: error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named 'pulumi_kubernetes'  [import]
aks.py:8: error: Cannot find implementation or library stub for module named 'pulumi_tls'  [import]
already tried clearing .mypy_cache, reinstalling dependencies, and recreating venv entirely.
pulumi up
, etc. works without issue. any tips regarding this please?
installed into the same venv as Pulumi (just guessing maybe it’s system-level mypy not finding pulumi imports)? Do you think you can jot down some repro steps for me?
👍 1
this is exactly the case - thanks! after install mypy to the venv, had to reactivate the venv
👍 1