pulumi config aws:profile <profilename> <...
# install
pulumi config aws:profile <profilename> <--- where do I get this in AWS Console?
I believe this is the profile name in the
on your local machine.
thanks then from pulumi can I check if AWS configured correctly? Or I can only do that in AWS CLI?
In my credential file: [saml] output = json region = us-east-1 aws_access_key_id = XXXX aws_secret_access_key = XXXXX aws_session_token = XXXX that's all...dont see profile name
But it was created by corp script: python saml_creds.py --username XXXX --account 123456789 --rolename DEV --certfile x.pem
Then profilename is username
I assume
Now using username: pulumi config set aws:profile <username> error: could not get cloud url: could not load current project: yaml: line 2: mapping values are now allowed in this context
Hope this is not corporate firewall issue
you get that error from the
pulumi config set ...
command? It sounds like your
file is malformed somehow.
Or pulumi config set aws: profile saml?
But Pulumi.<stack>.yaml is auto generated?
It is generated and modified when you use
pulumi config set
. You are also free to hand author it instead of using that command.
Thanks Luke is the Pulumi config set aws: profile saml correct? Given credential file: [saml]