Corporate Win 10 environment: pulumi up Error 401...
# install
Corporate Win 10 environment: pulumi up Error 401 authenticationrequired.html Authentication Required Last executed rule: Authentic user against Active Directory
I think more details will be needed to help out here. Certainly you will need to be able to reach both
as well as cloud provider provisioning endpoints. And also ability to write to the current user home directory.
That’s 3 possibilities all rolled into a single 401 is 404 from my mobile?
3 possibilities
3 possibilities for what? is 404 from my mobile?
There is nothing served from the root of - so that is expected. is a legal endpoint, but needs to be authenticated so you will receive a 401. What are you trying to do?
I thought was an endpoint that I should be checking as it was suggested? If it is not there why are you suggesting that is an endpoint to check? Or have I misunderstood?
Was just trying to do a pulumi up from your index.ts gist aurora lambda typescript
I thought was an endpoint that I should be checking as it was suggested?
As what suggested?
If it is not there why are you suggesting that is an endpoint to check?
Who is suggesting that?
Ahh - I think you are referring to my comment above about needing to be able to reach
- that is the dns hostname, but the actual REST endpoints are similar to the example I provided above.
Thanks Luke but I have not been able to connect from corporate environment to try your gist and those are the error messages as pointed out. Pulumi up Logging in using access token from PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN Error: invalid access token Pulumi Logout Generated new token Pulumi Login Logging in using access token my from PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN Logged into as .... Mkdir testdir && cd testdir As per instructions, pull project created in portal pulumi new aws-typescript -s niceseb/aurora-lambda/dev Error: authorization failed And similarly pulumi up from a locally typescript generated folder Pulumi up Can’t find module grpc_node.node
If this is still blocked the maybe move to AWS CDK
Any chance you can share the exact output you are seeing in each step? It looks like you are sharing approximations of the output, which makes it a little hard to understand exactly what’s going on.
Result from pulumi up above after successful whoami
Node version v12.13.0 Npm install grpc Build error:
That looks like you had an
npm install
fail related to the gRPC package. You can try deleting
and re-running
npm install
. If you get any failures again from that - please share here.
Npm install grpc separately?
Deleted node_modules and again npm install also the same Error :grpc@1.24.2 install node-pre-gyp install fallback-to-build —library=static library Exit status 1
I can’t tell from that screenshot what the original error was - but this appears to be an issue with installing gRPC on your Windows environment. I suspect the actual error is a few lines earlier.
That’s not the original error - that’s what happens as a result of the error - specifically you failed to correctly install the GRPC dependency, and so now it fails to work correctly. I’d love to see the full original error message when gRPC fails to install. This is an issue with NPM in your environment, not directly with Pulumi. But would love to help solve for this is you can provide details.
After login now I followed project creation and then error: authorization the moment when pulling down project to local machine? Could this be company firewall?
Not sure what authorization failure it is referring to
When AWS login is successful