Hi - I am trying to install on a Ubuntu 20.04 vm b...
# install
Hi - I am trying to install on a Ubuntu 20.04 vm but 'pulumi version' does not work. Even if I go to .pulumi/bin to invoke. Do I need to be on 19.10 as latest? Also how do I invoke the pulumi curl script to install into a specific directory and not $HOME please? Thank you.
Are you seeing any errors when you run
pulumi version
Ok so I relogged in to the box and am fine now. Thank you!
okay šŸ™‚
But may I ask how to invoke the script to install into a specific directory please
HOME=path and then curl?
You canā€™t using the script, but you can download the executables yourself and place them wherever you want https://www.pulumi.com/docs/get-started/install/#manual-installation
The script itself ā€œjustā€ downloads the executable and updates your PATH
Ok - so it does the same thing as an extraction to a specific path? But I will need to know the version number all the time right?
BTW what language is Pulumi written in? And on the examples i do not see many examples in Go. Is Python the predominant language?
You can use `curl --fail --silent -L "https://www.pulumi.com/latest-version"`to get the latest version number, which is exactly what the script does
in fact, that line comes out of the script šŸ˜…
Well I can understand that comes from script but I was wondering if there could be a 'beta script' as well so would not have to know the version. That way I can run the script and then move .pulumi to whatever directory I want and then update my PATH - right?
That will always give me latest-stable or latest-beta
That way I can run the script and then move .pulumi to whatever directory I want and then update my PATH - right?
you always do that
Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s a beta script, because you can always build your own executables from source
I understand - but you could easily provide a 'beta' script. You could for example update the script to pass a param 'stable' or 'beta' and also a PATH. If none are provided it goes for stable and $HOME. It would be a simple change on your end and each of us do not have to parameterize individually
Itā€™s not my script šŸ˜‰ I donā€™t work for Pulumiā€¦ I just really love their technology and Iā€™m passionate about helping others šŸ™‚
Ok thanks for clarification! Much appreciated your help! If you know who could send this to would be great! Have a good evening
Ok I let Luke know on #announcements
šŸ‘ 1
šŸ™‚Thank you @green-morning-1318!
Youā€™re welcome šŸ˜‡