An example of the output that's wrong is this: ```...
# gitlab
An example of the output that's wrong is this:
Copy code
~ protos  : {
        autoDevopsEnabled             : false
        emailsDisabled                : false
      ~ fullName                      : "XXX / Packages / protos" => output<string>
      ~ fullPath                      : "XXX/packages/protos" => output<string>
      ~ id                            : "13229671" => output<string>
        lfsEnabled                    : true
        mentionsDisabled              : false
        name                          : "protos"
      ~ parentId                      : 1.0721813e+07 => -9.223372036854776e+18
        path                          : "protos"
        projectCreationLevel          : "developer"
        requestAccessEnabled          : true
        requireTwoFactorAuthentication: false
      ~ runnersToken                  : "XXXXXX" => output<string>
        shareWithGroupLock            : false
      ~ subgroupCreationLevel         : "maintainer" => "owner"
        twoFactorGracePeriod          : 48
        urn                           : "urn:pulumi:dev::git-managed::gitlab:index/group:Group::Group (protos)"
      ~ visibilityLevel               : "private" => output<string>
      ~ webUrl                        : "<>" => output<string>