I've hit a problem, and I think it's a bug with th...
# gitlab
I've hit a problem, and I think it's a bug with the gitlab -> pulumi package.
Copy code
export const packages = new gitlab.Group(`Group (${Group.packages})`, {
    name: Group.packages,
    path: Group.packages.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'),
    autoDevopsEnabled: false,
    emailsDisabled: false,
    lfsEnabled: true,
    mentionsDisabled: false,
    projectCreationLevel: 'developer',
    requireTwoFactorAuthentication: false,
    requestAccessEnabled: true,
    shareWithGroupLock: false,
    parentId: 2376237, // Number(jobilla.id),

export const protos = new gitlab.Group(`Group (${Group.protos})`, {
    name: Group.protos,
    path: Group.protos.toLowerCase().replace(' ', '-'),
    autoDevopsEnabled: false,
    emailsDisabled: false,
    lfsEnabled: true,
    mentionsDisabled: false,
    projectCreationLevel: 'developer',
    requireTwoFactorAuthentication: false,
    requestAccessEnabled: true,
    shareWithGroupLock: false,
    parentId: 10721813, // Number(packages.id),
These ID's (for parentId) are 100% correct. I can see them show the values that are currently hardcoded on app.pulumi.com and also in the export of the current state. However, if I try to use the value as shown by the comments, it tries to change the value to something completely different. The output is a
but the input requires a
, not sure if this is the cause of the problem. Anyone got a work around for me that isn't hardcoding the IDs?