If I have the following input arguments: - organiz...
# automation-api
If I have the following input arguments: • organization name • project name • stack name • access token for the managed platform but I don’t have the actual stack sources around, can I use the Automation API to follow up on the latest activity? (new deploys as well as success/failure)
Hi Ringo, when you say "actual stack sources" do you mean the Pulumi program that created the stack and the resources?
Just checking what you want to do.. you want to view the latest activity, but not access the resources in the stack?
Because you can definitely so the latter, where you can access resources and outputs from the stack without having the code that it was deployed with (demo here). If you're looking to basically view what you can see in the console you wouldn't use automation api for that
Yes, I would like to know about the updates as you can see on the platform console (app.pulumi.com)
That's not what automation api is then. Automation api is for interacting with the stack and deploying resources like a "normal" pulumi program Thanks for the confirmation Evan
👍🏼 1
If there's more information you'd like to see exposed, it would be worth opening an issue to track.
@lemon-agent-27707 context is this: I’m building an integration of Pulumi for Concourse CI, called a resource type. An implementation of a resource type needs 3 binaries (info: https://concourse-ci.org/implementing-resource-types.html). Here is how I’m implementing part by scraping
REST api. https://github.com/ringods/pulumi-resource/blob/main/DEVELOPMENT.md#check Longing for either an official published REST API or support for this from a Go library, which doesn’t necessarily need to be the Automation API.