Hi all, I have a number of stacks and github proje...
# automation-api
Hi all, I have a number of stacks and github projects, that I would like to be able to deploy in different resource groups in azure, could you guide me towards the correct door please, I am looking at the automation-api, and am a bit confused with the different segments
Happy to help. Could you give some more detail about what you're trying to accomplish? What are the github projects you're trying to deploy, how do they differ? What part of automation api are you finding confusing? There may be some examples or documentation I can share. To start with: • blog post: https://www.pulumi.com/blog/automation-api/ • the overview in the godoc: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/pulumi/pulumi/sdk/v2/go/x/auto#pkg-overview • the examples repo has a bunch of walkthroughs: https://github.com/pulumi/automation-api-examples
well basically I am trying to simi automatically create development environments, eg. separate resource groups with all the resources and deployments to run a complete copy of our microservice stack, this being around 30 or so resources, the github projects all contain a codebase (nearly same setup), and a pulumi app, currently we have a ci/cd pipeline for each of the microservices, they are infact able to deploy to different resource groups, but this requires us to go into azure devops and run each pipeline, we are trying to achieve a combined build and deploy of the entire stack
This sounds like a great use case for automation api. One possibility might be to create a REST api that can trigger parameterized deployments: https://github.com/pulumi/automation-api-examples/tree/main/go/pulumi_over_http Another option would be to create a CLI: https://github.com/pulumi/automation-api-examples/tree/main/go/vm_manager_azure
It seems like its the way I need to go
👍 1