Is it already possible to use an executable (dll,e...
# dotnet
Is it already possible to use an executable (dll,exe) in order to start pulumi? When can we use that feature? It would also be nice if I could add a nuget package like Pulumi.Runner and I can just execute my compiled project instead of using the CLI.
@tall-librarian-49374 ?
You will be able to use a precompiled .NET assembly in the upcoming 2.0 version of the CLI.
👍 3
A mode without the CLI is still under discussion
Cool! Imo both "modes" are making sense. I hope you also consider to support dotnet tool (global/local). Issue has already been opened.
Looking forward to this feature - is this available now? To enable this, is there an argument needed to prevent the CLI from attempting a build?
👍 1