It looks really good, I just need to shorten the n...
# dotnet
It looks really good, I just need to shorten the nested types, instead of "virtualMachineStorageOsDisk" it can just be "storageOsDisk" when it's nested...
that looks really really nice
🙂 1
Awesome, I’ll play around with my kubernetes stuff adding nested types and also make the changes I suggested. I hope I’ll get some time this week.
A nice improvement would be to add vm sizes and other things as enum or DUs. Haven’t looked at the schema and checked if those are available, I guess not so it needs custom tweaking probably.
I believe enums aren’t in the schema yet, but that’s WIP, they will appear soon-ish
I want to add strong types for values, but in the JSON schema it's only in the description, so I am attempting with some regex to extrapolate those, but I don't like the idea