I'm using Pulumi to create an AWS VPC with explici...
# typescript
I'm using Pulumi to create an AWS VPC with explicitly created subnets. I'm using these to create an EKS cluster
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const subnetIds = [

  const cluster = new eks.Cluster(name, {
    deployDashboard: false,
    enabledClusterLogTypes: ['api', 'audit', 'authenticator', 'controllerManager', 'scheduler'],
    instanceRoles: [role],
    skipDefaultNodeGroup: true,
    vpcId: vpc.id,
  }, { dependsOn: [vpc] });
I then need to go back through all the subnets and add a tag
, but I don't see how I can go back over the existing subnets to add the tags. Does anyone know the correct way to do this?
how are u creating the subnets, i.e. where’s the relevant code?
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import { VpcSubnetArgs } from '@pulumi/awsx/ec2';
import { Netmask } from 'netmask';

interface Zone {
  id: string;
  privateSubnet: VpcSubnetArgs;
  publicSubnet: VpcSubnetArgs;

function privateSubnet(zoneId: string, cidr: Netmask): VpcSubnetArgs {
  return {
    location: {
      availabilityZoneId: zoneId,
      cidrBlock: cidr.toString(),
    mapPublicIpOnLaunch: false,
    name: `${zoneId}-private`,
    tags: {
      '<http://kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb|kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb>': '1',
    type: 'private',

function publicSubnet(zoneId: string, cidr: Netmask): VpcSubnetArgs {
  return {
    location: {
      availabilityZoneId: zoneId,
      cidrBlock: cidr.toString(),
    mapPublicIpOnLaunch: true,
    name: `${zoneId}-public`,
    tags: {
      '<http://kubernetes.io/role/elb|kubernetes.io/role/elb>': '1',
    type: 'public',

export function createSubnets(zoneIds: string[], cidr: Netmask): VpcSubnetArgs[] {
  // define a public & private subnet for each zone
  const { zones } = zoneIds.reduce((acc, id) => {
    const { privateBlock, publicBlock } = acc;
    return {
      privateBlock: privateBlock.next(),
      publicBlock: publicBlock.next(),
      zones: [...acc.zones, {
        privateSubnet: privateSubnet(id, privateBlock),
        publicSubnet: publicSubnet(id, publicBlock),
  }, {
    privateBlock: new Netmask(`${cidr.base}/20`).next(),
    publicBlock: new Netmask(`${cidr.base}/24`).next(),
    zones: [],
  } as { privateBlock: Netmask, publicBlock: Netmask, zones: Zone[] });

  // return array of public and private subnets
  return zones.reduce((all, zone) => ([
  ]), [] as VpcSubnetArgs[]);
and being called
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export function createVpc(name: string, options: VpcOptions) {
  const { networkBlock, tags } = options;
  const cidr = networkBlock.toString();

  const { zoneIds } = aws.getAvailabilityZones();

  const subnets = createSubnets(zoneIds, networkBlock);
  const vpc = new awsx.ec2.Vpc(name, {
    cidrBlock: cidr,
    numberOfAvailabilityZones: 'all',
    tags: {
      Name: name,

  return { cidr, subnets, vpc };
But the point being that (it seems) the subnets need to be actually created before creating the EKS cluster, and I only know the tags that need to be applied to the subnets after I have created the cluster.
Maybe the easiest way would be if I could set a specific name for the EKS cluster when I create it. But I don't see any way of doing that in Pulumi.
Looks promising. I'll try that. Thanks @chilly-crayon-57653