Hello i am trying to create below resources but i...
# typescript
Hello i am trying to create below resources but i am getting error
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import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as awsx from "@pulumi/awsx";

// Create an AWS resource (S3 Bucket)
const bucketName = "cent-serv-logs";
const accessLogsBucket = new aws.s3.Bucket(`${bucketName}`, {
  bucket: `${bucketName}`,

const accessBucketPublicAccessBlock = new aws.s3.BucketPublicAccessBlock(
    bucket: accessLogsBucket.id,
    blockPublicAcls: true,
    blockPublicPolicy: true,
    ignorePublicAcls: true,
    restrictPublicBuckets: true,

const accessbucketPolicy = new aws.s3.BucketPolicy(
    bucket: accessLogsBucket.bucket,
    policy: accessLogsBucket.bucket.apply(accessLogsBucketPolicy),

function accessLogsBucketPolicy(bucketName: string) {
  return JSON.stringify({
    Version: "2012-10-17",
    Id: "AWSConsole-AccessLogs-Policy-16287xxxx",
    Statement: [
        Sid: "AWSConsoleStmt-16xxxx",
        Effect: "Allow",
        Principal: {
          AWS: "arn:aws:iam::79787xxx:root",
        Action: "s3:PutObject",
        Resource: `arn:aws:s3:::${bucketName}/*`,
        Sid: "AWSLogDeliveryWrite",
        Effect: "Allow",
        Principal: {
          Service: "<http://delivery.logs.amazonaws.com|delivery.logs.amazonaws.com>",
        Action: "s3:PutObject",
        Resource: `arn:aws:s3:::${bucketName}/*`,
        Condition: {
          StringEquals: {
            "s3:x-amz-acl": "bucket-owner-full-control",
        Sid: "AWSLogDeliveryAclCheck",
        Effect: "Allow",
        Principal: {
          Service: "<http://delivery.logs.amazonaws.com|delivery.logs.amazonaws.com>",
        Action: "s3:GetBucketAcl",
        Resource: `arn:aws:s3:::${bucketName}`,
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error: 1 error occurred:
        * Error putting S3 policy: OperationAborted: A conflicting conditional operation is currently in progress against this resource. Please try again.
        status code: 409,
used example from here https://www.pulumi.com/docs/aws/s3/#create-an-aws-s3-resource-using-pulumiaws
dont hard code bucket names, use auto naming to avoid this
sure thanks let me try autonaming