Hi.. I am new to typescript and trying to create a...
# typescript
Hi.. I am new to typescript and trying to create an RDS Parameter Group.. I need to set these params:
pg_stat_statements.track	ALL
shared_preload_libraries	pg_stat_statements
track_activity_query_size	2048
due to lack of documentation i am not sure how i can achieve that.. can someone help me with this my code is below
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export const paramGroupPGStatStatement = new aws.rds.ParameterGroup("paramGroupPGStatStatement",
    family: "postgres12",
    description: "Enabling pg_stat_statements"
Here's what I have for MariaDB, yours is close, but not quite:
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const rdsParameterGroup = new aws.rds.ParameterGroup(`${appName}-custom-mariadb`, {
  family: "mariadb10.4",
  parameters: [
      name: "character_set_client",
      value: "utf8mb4",
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okay cool.. let me try that.. Thanks for the quick response 🙂
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got it working.. Cheers Buddy.
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export const paramGroupPGStatStatement = new aws.rds.ParameterGroup("paramGroupPGStatStatement",
    family: "postgres12",
    description: "Enabling pg_stat_statements",
    parameters: [
        name: "shared_preload_libraries",
        value: "pg_stat_statements",
        name: "pg_stat_statements.track",
        value: "ALL",
        name: "track_activity_query_size",
        value: "2048",
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