Hi <!channel>, I'd like to give an early preview a...
# announcements
Hi <!channel>, I'd like to give an early preview about some exciting Pulumi news: We’ll be launching some new commercial tiers within a few weeks. None of this changes our approach to open source. The existing Community Tier service will remain free to use, with all of its current features, and
will continue to work as-is. For groups of users collaborating on stacks, however, the new Team Tier offers Organizations, Role Based Access Control (RBAC), and more, and will be priced like most developer SaaS tools, with a modest entry fee and pay-as-you-go pricing. In short: • For anyone already using an existing organization, we'll email you separately with details and a "founding customer" discount voucher to thank you for your support. • For anyone not currently using an organization, and would like to do so, simply enroll your organization before Tuesday next week (https://app.pulumi.com/site/organizations/add), and you'll receive this same discount voucher. If you have friends or colleagues who might want the same, please spread the word – we’ll share the love and make them eligible too. • For everyone else, there is no change, and you will also receive a discount offer should you change your mind and decide to use the Team Tier later on. Please DM me, or email me at joe@pulumi.com, if you have questions. Thank you for being part of the Pulumi community. 🙏 This commercial launch will help ensure Pulumi can continue to innovate and deliver lots of great R&D in the years to come! 🎉
👍 20
❤️ 13
Can you share pricing information?
We can shortly - just working up to that point.
What does
do? I’m struggling to see that in the CLI help.
@cool-helicopter-70130 it lets you use the filesystem as the backend instead of Pulumi’s Web backend
I see - thanks
👍 1