I am thinking about reviving a new version of <htt...
# contribute
I am thinking about reviving a new version of https://github.com/ibrasho/pulumi-github with the hope of getting it under pulumi ownership. @broad-dog-22463 you helped me before to do the same for
. Would you be open to taking ownership of this one as well?
I can help here! We're working on putting together some thing to help support community providers. If you can put the provider together I can help you with the rest
👍 1
Amazing how a plan comes together. A few hours ago, I talked to Paul about community providers and the Github provider. Wow. 😄
🎉 2
I hope the new stuff includes a new boilerplate 😅
I actually just worked on getting the boilerplate ready for the v2 release, is there anything else you think needs fixing there?
I also have a doc out internally about "community providers support" which I'll share with you all soon
Is this a new thing living somewhere else besides https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-tf-provider-boilerplate?
@millions-judge-24978 does that boilerplate repo not work for you?
Maybe we need to make the documentation a little more clear on it or someting
Well, the issue is that I tried to start from there, and add some of the updates that have been done to the
repo, but the boilerplate seems very out of date
I’m thinking maybe I should have actually just duplicated the spotinst repo as a starting point instead
ah there is a PR right now open for the new boiler plate
the spotinst repo has been prepped for the new go modules work
Ah well I had pretty good luck starting from there,
make build
just passed
I am going to record a video on how to migrate a provider
Are there any docs on what I need to get the
sdk to build? I did a
brew cask install dotnet
, but I think I need to install something more still
That should be all it needs, are you getting an error?
I think it needed an sdk or something hang on let me get the error again
I’ve done zero dotnet dev
oh wait now it works fine hmm ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alright without further ado: https://github.com/timmyers/pulumi-github Seems to be all working. Travis fails once it gets to the deploy job of course.
@millions-judge-24978 if you want a release process, have a look at https://github.com/jaxxstorm/pulumi-rke
specifically the actions part, and the makefile which has been updated
Ah nice okay. So this let's everything work smoothly without having to upload artifacts in pulumis org?
How will docs work?
that's a good question, haven't figured that out yet, but it's on the list
Also I'm sure maintaining every provider is tough, but a lot of the updates I think are pretty hard to know what to do as a community member, just based on the changes to the spotinst provider since I transferred ownership. Any plan to help guide this sort of thing? Would a community provider just need to sort of watch another repo and mirror changes made to it occasionally?
we have some plans around community providers which are coming together, we know it's an area for improvement. It's a lot of work for the team too, so we're hoping to make some progress on this very soon
Gotcha okay. Is there a desire to not take ownership of all providers on your guys part? More than just wanting to support community providers which others may want to own themselves better?
For instance I have no strong desire to own this, but I am willing to
we want to set up a community governing body for these types of providers, which @limited-rainbow-51650 alluded to earlier
👌 1
I’m getting this error in the build actions workflow
tf2pulumi is missing, please install it and re-run
I don’t see it being installed anywhere in
Any idea why I’d be getting this error?
Added this in any case, but confused why your package doesnt need it
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- name: Install tf2pulumi
        uses: pulumi/action-install-tf2pulumi@releases/v1
          tf2pulumi-version: 0.6.0
nodejs publishing all working except for no script is being added to install the plugin, not sure how that should work for these community providers
@millions-judge-24978 If I’m not mistaken, with NodeJS packages, the provider binary is included in the package and the path to it is calculated by the Pulumi runtime.
So as long as you can publish an NPM package including the provider binary, you should be fine.
It’s normally installed in a npmjs install script that gets populated by some magic step in the build process. You can see it if you look in your
for example:
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"scripts": {
        "build": "tsc",
        "install": "node scripts/install-pulumi-plugin.js resource aws v1.31.0"