<@UB8C33JJG> <@U84HBHXS8> <@UB39JFCKC> Hello :wave...
# contribute
@echoing-match-29901 @microscopic-florist-22719 @tall-librarian-49374 Hello 👋🏼 I've ported the Hashicorp Terraform Time provider to Pulumi using TF Bridge, because I missed the functionality of Time based resources. What is the official way to get the provider registered at Pulumi since the Pulumi Registry is in place? https://github.com/tmeckel/pulumi-time https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/time/latest
@broad-dog-22463 Could you please help Thomas here?
@tall-librarian-49374 👍🏼
@big-architect-71258 I never understood the time resource provider, there is no real documentation with real usage examples (at least I was not able to find it). Would love to see some real examples in your repo/readme e.g. https://github.com/tmeckel/pulumi-time/blob/main/examples/time_rotating/index.ts does not tell me anything really or I at least do not get it :(
@prehistoric-nail-50687 The time provider is required to add resources to the stack (TF: state) which will change it's value on a timely basis. A use case might be the time based rotation of a OICD application registration like a Azure App Registration.
Copy code
resource "time_rotating" "main" {
  rotation_rfc3339 = var.password_end_date
  rotation_years   = var.password_rotation_in_years
  rotation_days    = var.password_rotation_in_days

  triggers = {
    end_date = var.password_end_date
    years    = var.password_rotation_in_years
    days     = var.password_rotation_in_days

resource "azuread_service_principal_password" "main" {
  service_principal_id = azuread_service_principal.main.object_id
  rotate_when_changed = {
    rotation = time_rotating.main.id
👀 1
🙌 1
Hi @big-architect-71258 - thanks for doing this work, I will get in contact with you and start the work to transfer it with you 🙂
@broad-dog-22463 Great 👍🏼👍🏼
@broad-dog-22463 what's your schedule on getting the Time provider integrated into the Pulumi ecosystem? 🙂
@echoing-match-29901 @tall-librarian-49374 @broad-dog-22463 Hi guys 👋🏻 It's me, the nag 😄Any plans on how to get my repo merged in some way into the Pulumi Registry?
cc @stocky-restaurant-98004 while Paul is out
@big-architect-71258 First off, thanks for doing this work! I'm not familiar with the process yet but have asked internally and will keep you posted here with what I've learned. In addition to folks who use the provider directly, this should have ancillary benefits in improving our docs. (There are some examples that cannot convert because we don't have a Pulumi time provider.)
@big-architect-71258 Ok, so I heard back: We don't have a defined process yet, but if you reach out to us at https://www.pulumi.com/contact/?form=registry, someone from the Registry team will be in touch shortly to help.
@stocky-restaurant-98004 Thanks for getting back to me on this! So, if I got you correctly the official way is through the Pulumi Registry and not anymore by transferring the code of a provider into a GitHub repository managed by Pulumi, from which the deployment to the various programming languages are controlled. Is this correct?
Sorry for the slow response. Big picture, we're trying to better enable community ownership of providers: improving the boilerplate, refining our internal CI/CD stuff and making it usable outside of Pulumi, improving the registry process, etc., and we'd love to use this opportunity for a test run. We definitely can take over the provider via transfer if the process is too unrefined at this point and we need to get something out the door, but if it works for you, we'd love this opportunity to try for community ownership long-term. Does that answer your question?