Hi, I would like to add a feature to the Opsgenie ...
# contribute
Hi, I would like to add a feature to the Opsgenie provider, namely being able to use more of the SDK's configuration. Upstream Terraform provider maintainers seem to be very non-responsive, so I thought about adding it directly to Pulumi. I understand what I need to do in terms of Go code on the upstream provider, but I can't find information on how to work on a Pulumi provider and generate the code with the pulumi-terraform-bridge. Can anyone point me in the right direction please?
Hey Henrique! So what we'd need to do here is to use a fork of the upstream provider. I'll fork it to the Pulumi org and you can send a PR to that and I can bring it in
How's that sound?
That's great, thank you!
Hey - so I forked the provider here [https://github.com/pulumi/terraform-provider-opsgenie] there's a branch in there
that is based from the last release that we have used in our provider. Therefore, if you want to send a PR to our Pulumi fork, target that branch as the base