My Pulumi deployment to a custom cluster in Miniku...
# getting-started
My Pulumi deployment to a custom cluster in Minikube keeps hanging on "Please enter Username". This seems to come from
. But
on the CL works fine. How can I find out which user Pulumi is using for authentication?
No one?
A) I'm think we just use the standard kubectl config settings so I'd think we'd be using the same config as kubectl B) You can try turning on debug log (
-v11 --logtostderr
) to see if that prints anything informative
I did that, but couldn’t find out more than what I reported, unfortunately. Can you take a look? Will send redacted logs.
I can you can email logs to me if you want: fraser at
I'll admit my k8s knowledge is not the best in the team, but I might spot something and I can ask the experts when they come online later
@echoing-dinner-19531 I managed to solve/avoid the problem by redoing the setup and skipping kubectl context creation. Please support this PR for others to avoid this issue:
@echoing-dinner-19531 Additionally, the Pulumi CLI failure mode needs improvement. See
Thanks for those. I'll nudge our k8s experts to check the docs update, I think I can fix the second one in our engine without needing to make a k8s specific fix.